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We Support Make Poverty History!!
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Make Poverty History

We believe it is time to stand up and be heard.

To that end, Crosswinds has made the decision to support the Charitable organization "Make Poverty History", a most worthy cause, whose aim is to end child poverty.

Now when you have an account or refer someone to our services, big or small, you do so comfortable with the knowledge that you are also aiding the fight to end child poverty, and ensure a bright future for the world we share.

A child dies every three seconds as a result of extreme poverty. In this world, in the countries that we live in, there is NO REASON for anyone to die from poverty.

Poverty is not inevitable. If we have the will to act, we can Make Poverty History.

We pledge that 25% of net profits made by Crosswinds Internet Communications Incorporated go directly to the Make Poverty History organization.

Crosswinds is a private corporation and does not answer to shareholders in the same way that a public corporation does. Since the founders and owners have always intended to support charities, they felt now was the time to act. Everyone at Crosswinds unanimously supports this move.

You can aid the fight by signing up for an account here or by referring others to our services.